Thursday, July 10, 2008

More Stuff

Ok....I just can't wait to post more on my blog so I decided to post another entry just minutes after my first blog...
I'm gonna say something that happened in school today

  1. My class,4 Kensett just got our counselling session from our beloved Pn.Ng
  2. The chinese song singing competition auditons
The 1st thing, as i've said, Pn.Ng came into our class to counsel us because she heard a lot of complains from other teachers saying that our class is very noisy.(Actually, we are quite quiet liao lo....) She used up one and a half period of our class(luckily it's English)...Anyway, she kept on saying that our class is the best form four class in MBS and how we should act like students from the best class.After she left, we acted as if we were the kind of students she expected us to be. But during the last two periods (maths), We revert back to our natural forms.....

After school, our 4K gang went to Handyman Club AGM to vote for Aik Lam as the chairman....We actually planned to have more than ten 4K students in the president's council...more details, visit Weixing's blog(
Anyway, back to me...after that i went for this chinese song singing competition auditions...At first I was damn confident but once i go in, I started forgetting the song's lyrics.But i still manage to finish singing the song(Tornado by Jay Chou)with some tempo problems...Really hope i can enter the finals...If i do, please come support me....Ok,I think that's enough for today.

Signing off at 3.58PM